Prayer Changes Lives!
And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? (Luke 18:7)
Pray With Us
The struggle for freedom against the system of commercial sexual exploitation is a spiritual battle. We believe that Jesus has come to set the captives free (Luke 4:18) and that a NEW LIFE is available for anyone who calls on His name!"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
Prayer for Awareness:
Dear Lord, prepare the hearts and open the eyes of individuals to the issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We pray that you will give us ears to hear and a desire to understand better. Lord, we pray for courageous conversations about pornography and the danger this is for our children and men of the church.
Prayer for Protection:
Dear Lord, you are our mighty fortress. We pray that you will send your angels to help survivors of trafficking to be safe and begin healing. Lord, we pray for the teams that are meeting the ladies that they will be safe and wise. Protect them from others who seek to harm them.
Prayer for Freedom:
Dear Lord, Your Word says that You bring new joy and hope where previously there was only shame and fear. Thank you for the love and freedom you have for survivors. Lord, we pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel which bring a totally new way of living and a hope for the future.
Prayer for Online Outreach:
Dear Lord, we lift up our teams that are searching for women and children online. Lord, these are dark places with unthinkable things happening. Give our teams courage and protection, and help them as they show the love of Christ in practical ways. Lord, we lift the churches, so that they will be involved in prayer protection and volunteering.
Prayer for those who are Purchasing Sex, either in person or online streaming:
Dear Lord, you never intended that people be sold and bought. We pray that there will be a conviction in the hearts of those purchasing online streaming of children and watching exploitation online. We pray that we can speak of this boldly in the church and our communities.
Prayer for Justice:
Dear Lord, You are a just God. Give strength to those who are investigating and prosecuting traffickers and give them a desire for your heavenly justice. We pray that Justice would be done on behalf of women, men, and children who have experienced injustice.
Prayer for Survivors to Have the Courage to Take the First Step to Freedom.
Dear Lord, prepare the hearts of those who are being sexually exploited. Please give them your hope, courage, and determination as they take that first step into the unknown. Please help them trust our team to walk with them on this journey and supply your words for the team to speak.
Prayer for Protection of the Children:
Dear Lord, you are our mighty fortress. We pray that you will send your angels to help the children that are being sexually exploited by those streaming online. Lord, you love the children and we pray for a miracle. For rescue! For a new life and healing of the trauma. We pray for those who will walk alongside them on the journey of your healing and new life!
Prayer for Lawmakers and Enforcement:
Dear Lord, we pray for individuals in positions of power. We pray that they will gain a greater understanding of the issues and that they would pass more protective laws. We pray that corruption will cease and that you will send law enforcement officers of integrity.
Power of Prayer
Over the years, we have continually experienced the power of prayer: from the rescue of those enslaved to the closing of brothels and finding young women online who are now free. Even a pimp in a brothel saw God's power in one of our teams. He said, "Why is it that the place is filled with light when you come into the brothel?" God's light shines brighter in the places of darkness!